Andhra Pradesh High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

It is only after the efforts of reconciliation and settlement fails, the videoconferencing can be resorted on the joint application filed by the parties or the memorandum of consent by both the parties, husband and wife, for such videoconferencing, in the discretion of the Court, if the Court considers it appropriate.

Andhra Pradesh High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The High Court held that the Trial Court ought to have passed separate order, in accordance with law, considering the provisions related to filing of the written statement and its forfeiture, also, keeping a view that the procedural law is handmaid of justice and the Court has the power to extend the time for filing of the written statement in the facts and circumstances of each and every case.

Andhra Pradesh High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Court observed that though the appellant contended that the net worth of the company is Rs.91 crores and is not a fly-by-night company, no physical assets or any other alternative security is provided either before the Single Judge or before the present Court.