Madras High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“Self-pleasure is not a forbidden fruit, its indulgence shall not lead to a precipitous fall from the Eden Garden of marriage. After marriage, a woman becomes a spouse, but she continues to retain her individuality. Her fundamental identity as an individual, as a woman, is not subsumed by her spousal status”.

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Such matters are now filed in the heat of the moment on advice of counsel by exaggerating and misconstruing actual events. However, this does not mean that genuine cases of harassment didn’t exist, and it is not blind to the ground reality of the deeply rooted social evil of greed for dowry.

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The husband’s contention that the present case is not a case where the wife is hospitalised due to cruelty or harassment committed upon her, is not only unmerited but also cross the threshold of having a mentality that in a serious Section 498-A IPC cases, the woman should have injuries and medical treatment record of a hospital.

Kerala High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Kerala High Court said that the marriage under the customary or personal law, which is otherwise valid, has to be treated as valid between parties to that marriage for all practical purposes, unless and until it is challenged by any of the parties to that marriage, and declared void on any valid grounds.