Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Marriage is a relationship which flourishes when nurtured with absolute trust and compassion but whittles down when sprinkled with accusations on character, fidelity and chastity of the spouse and becomes beyond redemption when the devastating effects of this one-sided barrage of accusations is topped with rejection of paternity and legitimacy of the innocent children, by their own father.

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Making derogatory complaints against spouse demonstrate lack of mutual respect and goodwill, which is crucial for a healthy marriage and merely by stating that such complaints are made after parties had separated, in no manner absolves a spouse from the guilt of committing cruelty on the receiving end.

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Family Judge has erred in analyzing the life of the parties by taking a myopic view and by considering each incident as an independent window, when in fact it is the journey of the parties through their matrimonial life, which is determinative of their compatibility, progressiveness, and growth.

Calcutta High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“It is a collective duty of both husband and wife to wither the trivial issues which are normal in a matrimonial life and mutual respect to the decision of each other appears to be the hallmark of the society. Even the Constitution recognises equality in gender and, therefore, the husband to be put on higher degree than that of the wife is unacceptable.”

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Unfortunate are the matrimonial disputes where the fountain head of friction inter se the spouses is mere lack of adjustment, understanding and the will to stay together. These factors are the wheels of the chariot of a workable marriage and if either spouse becomes averse to move together and chooses to abandon the relationship, then extensive reconciliatory efforts by one spouse, would also not yield any results.

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“While human emotions know no bounds and rules, but definitely human sensibilities emanating from mind shall have prevailed for an educated person like appellant to have reigned his affections for third person, with scant regard for respondent who reposed complete faith by entering into vows of marriage.”

Karnataka High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The High Court cautioned that if consideration of such artificial deductions is allowed, then in every petition under Section 125 of CrPC there would be tendency by the husband to show lesser salary with an intention to mislead the Courts so as to avoid giving maintenance.