madras high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“If the plea of the petitioners is accepted, it would amount to opening a Pandora box and several other similarly candidates would start knocking at the doors of this Court with the similar demand and in that case, recruitment will turn out to be a never-ending process as the examination is scheduled on 19-08-2023.”

madras high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“When even prisoners have fundamental rights and it has been declared by the Supreme Court that Part III of the Constitution does not stop at the prison gates, it would be ridiculous to suggest that the moment a person becomes a bank employee, he has to bid good-bye to Article 19(1)(a).”

madras high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Lawyers being homogeneous class, further creating divisions on any criteria including economic status or otherwise will result in losing faith and ordinary Lawyers will get frustrated, resulting young and talented Lawyers leaving the profession. It is the primary duty of the Judicial Institutions to provide a conducive atmosphere for all the practicing Lawyers enabling them to have utmost trust in the Judicial System.

wholesale reservation
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court said that the State Government may examine the data of last few years, to come to a realistic finding as to what should be the extent of these reservations. A wholesale reservation is not serving any purpose, rather it frustrates the very purpose of the reservation