Gujarat High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

None of the graduates can point out that under which provisions of law, they can be allowed to appear in the recruitment process. Neither they are eligible as per the requirement of Rule 7(2)(b) of the Gujarat State Judicial Service Rule, 2005 nor they have been able to satisfy that they are holding the Provisional Certificate issued by the authorities.

Gujarat High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“The pain and agony of a five-year-old child, who became paraplegic, is miserable, at least in the form of money, but sense prevails that it is the only occasion on which the Tribunal or the Court by adopting a pragmatic, realistic, and sensible approach to compensate the minor and/or to endeavour to put him back to the original position.”

Gujarat High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“A novel plea has been taken for the first time without any substantial basis on the factual aspects about the non-delivery of the copy of the award by the Arbitrator to the NHAI, in the present appeal, which cannot be appreciated within the limited scope of Section 37.”

Gujarat High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“It is true that no case might have been made out for review, and thereby, the time of the Civil Court must have been consumed to decide such an application, but at the same time, the right available to the party cannot be taken away by the Court, as all concerned, including the Court, are governed by the law.”

Sexual assault and murder of 4-year-old
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“The crime committed by the convict was diabolic in character. He enticed the innocent child by tempting him with ice-cream and brutally sodomized and murdered the four-year old. The appellant also mercilessly strangulated the deceased. The post-mortem report clearly indicated that death was due to asphyxia by throttling”.

Gujarat High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Tribunal in the impugned decision reasoned that- whenever Government for public purpose bifurcates districts, a complex situation arises and on account of the same sometimes issues like the present, escape the notice of the Government authorities therefore, good cause for condoning delay of more than 22 years was made out.

Gujarat High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“Where the additional evidence sought to be adduced removes the cloud of doubt over the case, the evidence has a direct & important bearing on the main issue in the suit and interest of justice clearly renders it imperative that the evidence must be permitted to be taken on record, then such an application may be allowed.”