Hyderabad land allotment policy
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“Government servants, elected legislators, Judges in the Supreme Court and High Court, and prominent journalists do not belong to the “weaker” or per se deserving sections of our society, warranting special State reservations to land allotment.”

Chhattisgarh High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“While fair and temperate criticism of the Court, may not be actionable, but attributing improper motives or tending to bring Judges or Courts into hatred and contempt or obstructing directly or indirectly with the functioning of Courts is serious contempt of which notice will be taken.”

judicial officers' pension
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“To be truly unified both in form and in substance, there must be integration in terms of pay, pension and other service conditions between the District Judiciary, the High Courts and the Supreme Court. Hence, any increase in the salary of the judges of the High Court must reflect in the same proportion to the judges in the District Judiciary.”

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The Supreme Court Collegium stated that every individual is entitled to maintain their own dignity and individuality, based on sexual orientation. Senior Advocate Kirpal’s openness about his orientation goes to his credit and rejecting his candidature on this ground would be contrary to the constitutional principles laid down by the Supreme Court.