Condonation of Delay under BNSS
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Court was of the view that the petition and the accompanying application seeking an extension of time were filed and registered in the registry of this Court when CrPC, 1973 was in force, hence, the matter would fall under the scope of Section 531(2)(a) and this petition should be adjudicated through the provisions of CrPC, 1973.

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

It was alleged that each alleged ‘dishonour’ comprised of a separate offence and even if committed on the same date (i.e., within the same year), not more than 03 such offences can be tried by way of a single complaint in view of section 219 Cr.P.C. There is no legal clarity on bar of filing more than three cheques in Section 138 of the NI Act complaint as per Section 219 CrPC; Delhi High Court issues notice to NCTD.