Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court said that the object and purpose of the enactment of UAPA is to provide for more effective prevention of certain unlawful activities. To punish such a person who is continued as a member of such unlawful association which is declared unlawful due to unlawful activities can be said to be in furtherance of providing for effective prevention of the unlawful activities.

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Detaining Authority gravely erred in relying upon the illegible documents which is equivalent to non-placement of translated-RUDs in a language which the detenu understands, which consequently vitiates the ‘subjective satisfaction’ arrived at by the Detaining Authority.

Madras High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Of all the things a system should fear, Complacency heads the list. The case in hand gave us a wake-up call and made us question ourselves as to whether we have become complacent and conditioned while dealing with preventive detention cases. Having got that call from within, we decided to shake up and wriggle out of the complacency and do a reality check.

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Signing in English and understanding English are two different things and it cannot be said that if one signs in English, therefore he has full understanding of the language. In other order, the ability to write one’s signature in English does not translate to having a working understanding of the language.