‘Elevate Judges in accordance with their seniority’, SC Collegium recommendations for Madras High Court and Punjab and Haryana High Court
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“The names which have been recommended earlier in point of time including the reiterated names ought not to be withheld or overlooked as this disturbs their seniority whereas those recommended later steal march on them. Loss of seniority of candidates is a matter of grave concern.”

Punjab and Haryana High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

In a case of circulating malicious, libelous and derogatory videos pertaining to the judicial proceedings, the Punjab and Haryana High Court ordered the arrest of dismissed DSP Balwinder Singh Sekhon and another. The Court also directed global blocking of access to all the videos circulated so far.

Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Supreme Court observed that availability of an alternative remedy does not operate as an absolute bar to the “maintainability” of a writ petition and that the rule, which requires a party to pursue the alternative remedy provided by a statute, is a rule of policy, convenience and discretion rather than a rule of law.

Case BriefsHigh Courts

A Huge number of valuables including gold and silver bricks were recovered at Sanjay Popli’s home during investigation. Thus, the Punjab and Haryana High Court found it unsafe to release him at this stage while investigation is still underway for another case pertaining to accumulation of disproportionate assets.