SC quashes POCSO case
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court said that the High Court overlooked the fact that the Trial Court could not have recorded the settlement, and this was a suitable case for the High Court to exercise its jurisdiction under Section 482 CrPC to quash the proceedings. As a result, the parties were unnecessarily compelled to approach this Court.

Bombay High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“The victim has left her parents’ house without informing the parents and stayed with the accused for 3 days and 3 nights, she also confessed that she was in love with the accused and travelled along with him to different places and had a consensual encounter.”

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The assertion made in the bail application that the complainant, “being a married woman, was mature and intelligent enough to understand the significance and consequences of her actions” is a specious argument that cannot absolve the accused of the allegations levelled against him.

Telangana High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“The evidence of a child witness can easily be influenced by the elders in the family. Acceptance of the child witness evidence would be dangerous in the present circumstances of the case as the evidence appears to be a result of tutoring. Not examining the father and grandfather of the victim, who were sleeping by the side of the victim girl is fatal to the prosecution case”.