alternate dispute resolution

NUALS, Kochi | Mediation Competition, 2025 [March 15 and 16, 2025]
National University of Advanced Legal Studies (NUALS), Kochi is excited to share the details about the NUALS Mediation Competition

Call for Papers | NALSAR-IAMC ADR Journal | Volume II
This journal is a collaboration between The National Academy of Legal Studies and Research (‘NALSAR’)

IXth UPES National Client Counselling Competition
ABOUT ADR ASSOCIATION The Alternate Dispute Resolution Association of School of Law, UPES is constituted with the purpose to facilitate and promote

Call for Papers | GNLU SRDC ADR Magazine (Volume – IV Issue – II) [Submit by January 20, 2024]
About the Magazine Gujarat National Law University’s SRDC ADR Magazine is a triannual student-run publication which invites submissions from experts, working professionals,

2nd Senior Advocate Late Shri P.M. Shah MNLUA National Client Counselling Competition (9th-10th March 2024)
We are pleased to inform you that after successfully conducting the first edition, Maharashtra National Law University; Aurangabad is back with the

Madhyastham UPES ADR Fest’23
It gives us immense joy to announce that ADR Association of School of Law, UPES Dehradun is organizing ‘Madhyastham’ – ADR Fest

Call for Papers | NALSAR-IAMC ADR Journal [Vol 1 Issue 1]
“About the Journal The NALSAR-IAMC ADR Journal (‘The Journal’) is the result of the budding relationship & joint efforts between NALSAR and

‘Mediation can become a potent alternate dispute resolution device’; Supreme Court lists down the ways to make it possible
Supreme Court: In a case relating to pre-litigation mediation in commercial disputes, the bench of KM Joseph* and Hrishikesh Roy, JJ has

Call for Blogs | USLLS ADR Blog [No fee, Rolling Submissions]
Reported by Sarthak Yadav

Enforcement of Domestic Award: Practical Realities
by Abhinay Sharma† and Lakshmi Subramaniam Iyer††

Live: Madhyastham UPES ADR Fest 2021,UPES School of Law, Dehradun
Welcome to the Madhyastham UPES ADR Fest, 2021, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun. The Alternate Dispute Resolution Association of UPES School

Role of Alternate Dispute Resolution mechanism in cases of rape with minors in India, discussed
Madras High Court: Dealing with rationality of incorporating Alternate Dispute Resolution mechanism in cases of rape done on minors under Section 376