Navigating the Hub-and-Spoke Cartel in India: An Analytical Overview of the New Provision
by Sanjay Vashishtha† and Abhay Pratap††
Cite as: 2023 SCC OnLine Blog Exp 75
by Sanjay Vashishtha† and Abhay Pratap††
Cite as: 2023 SCC OnLine Blog Exp 75
Competition Commission of India (CCI): Noting that in respect of cases concerning cartels that are hidden or secret, there is little or
Competition Commission of India (CCI): The Bench comprising of Ashok Kumar Gupta (Chairperson) and Sangeeta Verma (Member) and Bhagwant Singh Bishnoi (Member), decided
Competition Commission of India (CCI): A four-member bench comprising of Devender Kumar Sikri, Chairperson and Sudhir Mital, U.C. Nahata and G.P. Mittal,