delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“The Court failed to appreciate as to how the position, where not only does the respondent had the power to unilaterally appoint two out of the three arbitrators and compelled the petitioner to choose one of the panels of five arbitrators can be said to meet the test of ‘counter balancing’.”

appointment of 50-year-old as Postal Assistant
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“If the candidature is not rejected at the threshold and candidate is allowed to participate in the selection process and ultimately his name was there in the merit list, though such candidate has no indefeasible right to claim appointment, he does have a limited right of being accorded fair and non-discriminatory treatment”.

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“As per Clause 31.16 of Letter of Intent between parties, place of arbitration was Faridabad (Haryana), which will be chosen as the seat, since seat has not been separately named and there are no other contrary indicia to show that place of arbitration is not intended to be seat of arbitration.”

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“The Central Public Sector Enterprises are entrusted to work efficiently and generate profits for the government. For the same, the Public Enterprises Selection Board needs to appoint better qualified candidates to run and oversee the operations of the said entities.”

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“The role of the Selection Committee is neither judicial nor adjudicatory. In the absence of any rule or regulation, there was no obligation on the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (‘ACC') for providing reasons while passing the order regarding approval or non-approval of a candidate.”