Patna High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The public interest asserted cannot be entertained since dealers registered under earlier VAT regime, now shifted to GST regime, by virtue of Constitution (101st Amendment) Act, 2016 cannot be said to be a marginalized section, who are incapable of agitating their rights before the courts of law.

Telangana High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“Once the agreement entered into between the parties is considered as a contract like any other contract, for the enforcement of the covenants of the contract or for any breach thereof, the parties have to work out their remedies under civil law.”

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Sexual violence against a woman should invite no tolerance, however, manipulating the system by the parties to a case under Section 376 IPC would equally need to be dealt with a stern hand and serious efforts should be made to address and remedy failings within the criminal justice system and through our society.

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Petitioner is an Arjuna Awardee and is a Commonwealth and Asian Games medalist swimmer and was also appointed swimming team coach for the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games who was suspended from participating and being sponsored in any sports event organized by Paralympic Committee of India for three years.

writ of certiorari
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“The purpose of certiorari is only to confine the inferior tribunals within their jurisdiction, so as to avoid the irregular exercise, or the non-exercise or the illegal assumption of it and not to correct errors of finding of fact or interpretation of law committed by them in the exercise of powers vested in them under the statute”.

rajasthan high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“When the position of law is almost identical everywhere in the other States and when the benefit of Annual Increment is given to such employees, then denial of such benefits to the petitioners would amount to violation of their right of equality enshrined under Article 14 of the Constitution.”

gauhati high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

‘It is unfortunate to notice that a trend has been set to file applications under Article 226 of the Constitution at the drop of hat. Numerous cases has been filled with imaginary and very trivial causes of action. The court is of the opinion that such trend should be nipped in the bud and filling of writ petition of this nature has to be discouraged.’