dismiss execution petition
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“If this is allowed to happen, every judgment-debtor who is in possession of the immoveable property till the decree is passed, shall hand over possession to a third party to defeat the decree-holder's right and entitlement to enjoy the fruits of litigation and this may continue indefinitely and no decree for immovable property can be executed.”

bombay high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The phraseology “right to sue survive” used under Order 22 Rule 1 means right to seek relief. The general rule is that cause of action whatsoever existing in favour or against a person at the time of his death survives to or against his legal representatives.

Order IX Rule 9 CPC
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court said that if the alternative plea introduced by plaintiff through an amendment is one which the defendant set up in his written statement, although inconsistent with the original plea, the Court is not precluded from allowing the amendment if it does not prejudice the defendant.