Understanding Trade Union Activities from the Lens of Competition Law
by Khushi Saraf* and Vaibhav Tibrewal**
by Khushi Saraf* and Vaibhav Tibrewal**
by Danish Khan* and Aakrit Aditya Sharma**
Minimum Value of assets/ turnover laid down which will not constitute a Combination under Section 5 of Competition Act.
“These allegations, which are not only unsupported by evidence but also seem to be driven by malice, undermine the integrity of the judicial process. The claims are made without any regard for truth and appear to be designed to manipulate or mislead”
The appellant alleged that the Prime Minister, Home Minister and Minister of Communications have taken false oaths of allegiance to the Constitution of India, and they had attempted an antinational act of terrorism by attempting to kill the appellant as pilot-in-command of flight AI 459 on 08-07-2018.
by Neelambera Sandeepan* and Srivaishanavi R.**
The Committee compared traditional markets with digital markets to hint towards the threshold for intervention, and also looked into prevailing trends in other countries.
Value of assets and turnover increased by 150% based on the wholesale price index.
by Sanjay Vashishtha† and Abhay Pratap††
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Delhi High Court observed that when assessed, by the maxim generalia specialibus non derogant or by the maxim lex posterior derogat priori, the Patents Act must prevail over the Competition Act on the issue of exercise of rights by a patentee under the Patents Act.
Coal India Limited and its subsidiary Western Coalfields Limited had contended that they cannot be bound by the Competition Act, 2002 as both are governed by the Coal Mines (Nationalization) Act, 1973. The Supreme Court held that the Competition Act applies to State monopolies, Government Companies and PSUs.
by Aayushi Singh† and Pavitra Dubey††
The Central Government appoints 18-05-2023 as the date on which the provisions of the Competition (Amendment) Act, 2023 come into force. Sections
by Vinay Sachdev*
by Shweta Shroff Chopra†, Yaman Verma†† and Neetu Ahlawat†††
Cite as: 2023 SCC OnLine Blog Exp 35
On 11-4-2023, the Ministry of Law and Justice notified the Competition (Amendment) Act, 2023 to amend the Competition Act, 2002. Key Points:
The Tribunal while upholding the impugned order passed by CCI dated 20-10-2022, set aside 4 key directions issued in paragraphs 617.3, 617.9, 617.10 and 617.7.
by Priyam Indurkhya† and Rituraj Singh Parmar††