Vicarious application of contributory negligence to passengers
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“The High Court recorded an incongruous finding that if the offending truck had not been parked on the highway, the accident would not have happened even if the car was being driven at a very high speed. Therefore, the reasoning of the High Court on the issue of contributory negligence is riddled with inherent contradictions and is paradoxical”

overtake vehicle not negligence supreme court
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Regarding appellant’s attempt to overtake a vehicle, the Court stated that he was doing an act which is an everyday occurrence on the road, but resultantly suffered extensive injuries himself. Furthermore, it was proved that the offending vehicle was being driven rashly and negligently.

Madras High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Madras High Court after noting that the State Government is taking steps to conduct surprise checks, remarked that this will not stop the problem, and emphasised that assessing the level of alcohol in the blood at least in cases where accidents takes place should be made mandatory, as this will help the motor accident claims to be decided in a proper manner while determining the issue of negligence to be attributed in an accident.