Bombay High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Court held that the benefit of reasonable doubt shall be given to the appellants and therefore partly allowed both the appeals, by acquitting them under Section 302 of IPC, and releasing the incarcerated appellants sentenced under Section 307 of IPC, for having served the ordered sentence period.

Punjab and Haryana High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Court opined that is important to acknowledge that individuals vary in their sensitivity and temperament. It is not solely the feelings of the deceased that would matter, but most importantly, the intention behind the act of the accused would also have to be discerned.

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The case at hand presents a tragedy, wherein the continuous demands of dowry made by the appellant pushed the deceased into a despair so profound that she felt compelled to take her own life. This serves as a reminder of how the forces of greed can often eclipse the sanctity of human life and the bonds of matrimony.