Supreme Court preventive detention
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court noted that nothing is stated by the detaining authority as to why the conditions are not sufficient to prevent the detenu from engaging in further activities of smuggling; which was the specific ground on which the conditions were imposed while granting bail.

Judicial review powers for arrest
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“Though, the power of judicial review keeps a check and balance on the functioning of the public authorities and is exercised for better and more efficient and informed exercise of their powers, such power has to be exercised very cautiously keeping in mind that such exercise of power of judicial review may not lead to judicial overreach, undermining the powers of the statutory authorities”

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Unless the self-assessed return, as submitted had been questioned, re-opened or re-assessed and the assertion of the petitioner of the services rendered by it qualifying as an “export of service” questioned or negatived in accordance with the procedure prescribed under the Act, its claim for refund could not have been negated.

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Importation of gold is a prohibited item within the meaning of Section 2(33) of Customs Act, and that redemption in case of importation of gold that is brought into India illegally in the form of ‘smuggling' does not entitle the owner or importer for automatic release/redemption of such item.