Tripura High Court directs for strict compliance of Animal Rights laws during seizure and release of cattle
The Court directed the respondent authorities to ensure circulation of guidelines to field officers to prevent further violations.
The Court directed the respondent authorities to ensure circulation of guidelines to field officers to prevent further violations.
“Where the disciplinary proceeding itself is without jurisdiction, upholding the same on the specious plea that it was not challenged on the ground of lack of jurisdiction would be tantamount to giving imprimatur to a patently illegal proceeding”
The Court pointed out that small excesses like overtaking the vehicle of one’s senior at a railway crossing may be an incident of indiscipline in defense services, but the balance and proportion that needs to be maintained between such an infraction and its punishment will always be at the core of good governance.
Section 128-A of the Act of 1959 which empowered the Registrar to completely take away the right of a co-operative society to recruit, transfer or hold disciplinary enquiry against its employees is ultra vires the Constitution
“The Office is duty bound to list matters before the concerned Judge strictly as per the roster, unless otherwise ordered by the Chief Justice. Any deviation from this direction, thereby causing difficulty to the Judges or Advocates appearing in the matter, will invite disciplinary action against the officials concerned.”
Madhya Pradesh High Court stated that the petitioner, being an educational institution, is governed by specific laws and regulations concerning service conditions, which was not adequately considered by the Labour Court.
“High standard of proof is essential to convict an accused in a criminal trial. However, no such strict proof is required for punishing a public servant under the Discipline and Appeal Rules”.
“Any misconduct on the part of the bank employee/ officer can be meted out with disciplinary action in accordance with the service rules and regulations.”
Ruckus and unruly behavior inside the Court amounts to scandalizing and lowering the authority of the Madras High Court, as well as interfering and obstructing with the administration of justice.
Supreme Court: In a case where a member of the Indian Forest Services (IFS) had alleged that his junior was promoted to the post of Principal Chief Conservator of Forests while his candidature was kept in
Kerala High Court: While expressing that, it is the duty of the welfare Government to protect not only the citizens, but to
“… while the stigma and discrimination against persons with mental health disorders are rampant in society, as the highest constitutional court of the country, it falls upon us to ensure that societal discrimination does not translate into legal discrimination.”
Punjab and Haryana High Court: Manoj Bajaj, J., directed for disciplinary action against the Presiding Officer of the Trial Court who had
Supreme Court: The 3-Judge Bench comprising of Uday Umesh Lalit, Hemant Gupta* and S. Ravindra Bhat, JJ., addressed the instant appeal filed
Many instances have come to the notice of the Election Commission of India wherein Chief Electoral Officers and some other officials working
Delhi High Court: A Division Bench comprising of Rajendra Menon, CJ, and V. Kameswar Rao, J. dismissed an appeal preferred by the
Supreme Court: Deciding the question as to the scope of power of Armed Forces Tribunal to hear the appeals arising out of
Central Information Commission (CIC): While declaring an RTI applicant as misuser of social media and RTI, CIC warned him to stop misusing the