Appointment of Arbitrator
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“We have not expressed any opinion on the merits of the claim of either party including regarding the arbitrability of the dispute. All contentions and pleas are kept open for the parties to raise before the arbitral tribunal.”

Third IBA India Symposium

Third IBA India Litigation and ADR Symposium 2024: From fringe to focal: India at the centre of international dispute resolution- a symposium presented by the IBA India Working Group of the IBA Asia Pacific Regional Forum and supported by the IBA Arbitration Committee

Arbitral mandate extension
Case BriefsSupreme Court

In the Judgment dated 12-09-2024, Supreme Court had held that an application for extension of time for passing an arbitral award under Section 29A (4) read with Section 29A (5) is maintainable even after the expiry of the twelve-month or the extended six-month period. The court, while adjudicating such extension applications will be guided by the principle of sufficient cause.

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

MSMED Act is a beneficial legislation for Micro Small & Medium Enterprises and provides that a buyer can also raise counter claims before the statutory arbitrator under the MSMED Act. Moreover, the scope of the Act as stated therein is to the extent that even if there is an agreement for arbitration between the parties, the MSMED Act will have overriding effect.