Madras High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“Self-pleasure is not a forbidden fruit, its indulgence shall not lead to a precipitous fall from the Eden Garden of marriage. After marriage, a woman becomes a spouse, but she continues to retain her individuality. Her fundamental identity as an individual, as a woman, is not subsumed by her spousal status”.

Rajasthan High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“Order of priority hearing, if granted, place a class of litigants, who move the Court in a separate and preferential category whereas other cases which may be of similar or great antiquity and urgency are left to be decided in the normal channel.”

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Unfortunate are the matrimonial disputes where the fountain head of friction inter se the spouses is mere lack of adjustment, understanding and the will to stay together. These factors are the wheels of the chariot of a workable marriage and if either spouse becomes averse to move together and chooses to abandon the relationship, then extensive reconciliatory efforts by one spouse, would also not yield any results.