Punjab and Haryana High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Court opined that since Enforcement Case Investigation Report (‘ECIR’) is not a condition precedent for starting an investigation or inquiry by the Enforcement Directorate and is only an internal record of the department, its quashing would serve no purpose whatsoever.

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

It is for violation of Section 18(2) and Section 18(3) of the FERA that would entail action under Section 56 FERA, but the intervening threshold of issuance of show cause notice/opportunity notice and hearing the notice before passing the decision upon such mandatory application of principles of natural justice alone that the action under Section 56 could, at all, have been initiated.

grounds of arrest in writing
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“The very purpose of the constitutional and statutory protection would be rendered nugatory if the authorities concerned are permitted to merely read out or permit reading of the grounds of arrest, irrespective of their length and detail, and claim due compliance with the constitutional requirement under Article 22(1) and the statutory mandate under Section 19(1) of the PMLA”.

madras high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“Since the territorial jurisdiction of the present case is in Chennai only, therefore Chennai being one of the jurisdictional area under the notification issued by the Central Government, which comes under the jurisdiction of the PDSJ, Chennai, naturally the said case has to be tried in the said Court”