
Punjab and Haryana High Court dismisses review application for lack of any error found apparent on the face of record; cannot be disguised as appeal for re- hearing
Punjab and Haryana High Court: Fateh Deep Singh, J., dismissed a review application on the ground that no mistake or error was
MP HC | Cancellation of candidature on the ground of typographical error arbitrary and grossly disproportionate; Court allows petition
Madhya Pradesh High Court: Pranay Verma, J., allowed a petition which was filed praying for a direction to consider petitioner’s candidature for

CESTAT | An arbitrary show cause notice which is held to be correct in principle cannot become a ground to re-open a case under guise of rectification of mistake
Custom, Excise and Service Tax Appellant Tribunal (CESTAT): A Division Bench of Rachna Gupta (Judicial Member) and C.L. Mahar (Technical Member) dismissed
Raj HC | ‘Casual errors lead to unnecessary burden on Court’; error permitted to be rectified subject to deposit of cost
Rajasthan High Court: The Bench of Arun Bhansali, J., allowed the application filed to seek corrections, however, the Court ordered the applicant

Rehearing of issues not allowed in cases of review but Commission may interfere where there is an apparent error in the order
National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC): A Single Member Bench of Prem Narain (Presiding Member), partly allowed a review petition filed against
If an error committed by any authority is timely rectified by it, then no irregularity or illegality can be attributed to it
Orissa High Court: A Single Judge Bench of Dr B.R. Sarangi, J., dismissed a writ petition filed against the notification which had
Non-seriousness of injuries inflicted by the accused on the victim should not be the sole criteria for framing charges against the accused
Jammu & Kashmir High Court: A Single Judge Bench of Sanjay Kumar Gupta, J., dismissed a petition filed under Section 561-A of

No error by Trial Judge in addressing witness’s refusal to answer; convictions restored
Supreme Court of Canada: This appeal was filed before a 5-Judge Bench comprising of Wagner, CJ. Abella, Cote, Rowe and Martin, JJ.,
Cancellation of candidature of an IIT Qualified engineer at the final stage of induction into Civil Services held disproportionate to bonafide omission
Delhi High Court: The Division Bench comprising of Rekha Palli and Hima Kohli, JJ., allowed an appeal and set aside the order