SCC Snippets| Succeeding Government dutybound to carry on the unfinished job of the previous Government
“Political agenda of an individual or a political party should not be subversive of rule of law.”
“Political agenda of an individual or a political party should not be subversive of rule of law.”
“If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.” George Orwell, 1984 Supreme Court: The 3-judge bench of NV Ramana, CJ and Surya Kant and Hima Kohli, JJ has appointed an Expert
“The free flow of information from the Petitioners and the State, in a writ proceeding before the Court, is an important step towards Governmental transparency and openness, which are celebrated values under our Constitution.”
“… it was an extremely uphill task to find and select experts who are free from prejudices, are independent and competent.”
The Government of Gujarat has issued the Industrial Relations (Gujarat) Rules, 2021 vide notification dated October 5, 2021. The Rules shall extend
On July 29, 2021, the Government has announced 27% reservation for the OBCs (Other Backward Classes) and 10% quota for the Economically
Shri Narendra Modi Prime Minister and also in-charge of: Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions; Department of Atomic Energy; Department of Space; All important policy
Bombay High Court: The Division Bench of S.V. Gangapurwala and Shrikant D. Kulkarni, JJ., expressed that, In a welfare State, statutory authorities
Kerala High Court: The Division Bench comprising of A. Muhamed Mustaque and Kauser Edappagath, JJ., addressed the issue relating to controversial regulations
Madras High Court: G.R. Swaminathan, J., remarked that, “I am conscious that every judicial verdict must be anchored only in law and
Delhi High Court: The Division Bench of D.N. Patel, CJ and Jyoti Singh, J., reiterated the settled law that Court cannot direct
“One would only laugh at us that we have enough to spend on elections and very little to spend on public health.”
“Government must have freedom of contract.”
Here’s the press statement released by the Ministry of External Affairs with regard to the comments by some foreign individuals and entities
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs considered and approved the proposal of Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade for Central
by Apurv Parashari*
The proposals presented today by the Finance Minister are designed to stimulate spending in a fiscally prudent manner as some of the
Karnataka High Court: Krishna S. Dixit and P.N. Desai, JJ., while allowing a writ petition by a civil servant, observes, “Government being
Andhra Pradesh High Court: Battu Devanand, J., while addressing the instant matter, observed that, The government is not supposed to spend public money
The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India invoking it’s power under Section 69A of the Information Technology Act read