Group of Companies

2024 SCC Vol. 4 Part 1
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 — Ss. 8, 11 and 45 r/w Ss. 2(1)(h) and 7 — Group of Companies doctrine: Scope

Beyond the Signature: Supreme Court Redefines Party Status in Arbitration Proceedings using the Group of Companies Doctrine
by Vasanth Rajasekaran† and Harshvardhan Korada††
Cite as: 2023 SCC OnLine Blog Exp 85

[Group of Companies Doctrine] Can non-signatories to an arbitration agreement be impleaded as a ‘party’ by the Arbitral Tribunal? Delhi High Court clarifies
An Arbitral Tribunal cannot arrogate to itself powers that are neither conferred by the statute, or the rules which govern the arbitration, nor can it take recourse to inherent powers, which as has been found hereinabove, are acknowledged to inhere in courts and judicial authorities only.

Tangling the Non-Signatories without “Consent”: Rethinking the “Group of Companies” Doctrine
by Mohammad Atik Saiyed† and Shukla Pooja Sunilkumar††

Cox and Kings and the “Group of Companies” Conundrum
by Priyanshu Shrivastava† and Fatema Kinkhabwala††