bulldozer action
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“For an average citizen, the construction of a house is often the culmination of years of hard work, dreams, and aspirations. A house is not just a property but embodies the collective hopes of a family or individuals for stability, security, and a future. Having a house or a roof over one’s head gives satisfaction to any person. If this is to be taken away, then the authority must be satisfied that this is the only option available.”

Allahabad High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“Last fetters of colonial legacy which had constrained the Indian educational policy and condemned Indian students have been cast aside by the UGC and the BHU. Reform programmes are liable to imbibe noble ideals and strength of character that insulate students from toxic influences and deter them from deviant actions.”

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Supreme Court has issued directions to each State Government to set up a designated Committee, which has its focus on taking steps for setting up new jails, expanding the existing facilities in the jails, and providing facilities to the inmates using technology.

Effective functioning of Environmental authorities
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Supreme Court gave directions to the Central Empowered Committee, entrusted with monitoring and compliance of the orders of the Supreme Court on Environment, to promote transparency and efficiency in its functioning.

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Any employee working with an organization has the reasonable expectation of being paid a salary decently so that he can afford a decent standard of living from the said income. In case, the employee is not paid adequately, the same may render the employee unmotivated to work and the employee may not give his best in the organization and may look for other suitable jobs to supplement his/ her income.

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“The Chairperson as head of the Committee will decide which school is to be inspected on a particular day and an intimation in advance will be given to the members. If the member/s does not remain present at inspection time, the inspection shall be made in their absence by the Chairperson.”

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Settlement of non-compoundable offences through mediated settlement agreements is not permissible. Even otherwise, to permit the accused and complainant to compromise an offence on payment of money, in session triable serious criminal cases which attracts punishment up to life, cannot be subject matter of mediated settlement agreements.