Delhi Water Crisis | Supreme Court calls for urgent meet of stakeholders to address Delhi’s demand for additional water
Delhi Government sought directions for the immediate release of water from Himachal Pradesh through Haryana.
Delhi Government sought directions for the immediate release of water from Himachal Pradesh through Haryana.
Details of the Sewage Treatment Plants, drains discharging both treated waste water and untreated waste water, steps taken for utilization of the treated waste water for agriculture, etc. lacked in the status report.
The appellant was given ample opportunity to represent and defend itself, therefore, the contention of the appellant that the authority had not complied with the RERA Rules was found to be meritless.
“The disclosure of the marks in the main examination before it is finalised and the viva-voce is conducted, would be against the principles of transparency, rather it will invite criticism of bias or favouritism.”
Government of Haryana has launched new e-vehicle policy named “Haryana Electric Vehicle Policy-2022” which will be effective from 10-07-2022 for a period