Punjab and Haryana High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The entire aspect of the said life story had been part of court records in Canada extradition proceedings, and Indian courts where trail was conducted on account of honour killing, which also had been a subject matter of publications in media and five other films.

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Wherever the life and liberty of any individual is concerned, especially in cases of couples legally marrying out of their own freewill and volition, the police is expected to act expeditiously and with sensitivity in accordance with law and take necessary measures for protection and safety of applicants concerned, if they apprehend hostility and concerns for their safety from different quarters including their own family members.

Patna High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) under Article 16 explicitly states that Men and Women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality, or religion, have the right to marry and form a family. They are entitled to equal rights to marriage, during the marriage, and at its dissolution. A marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.