Orissa High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“Remaining unemployed is one thing and sitting idle having qualification and prospect to earn is another thing and if a husband being well qualified sufficient enough to earn sits idle only to shift the burden on the wife should not only be deprecated, but also be discouraged.”

Maintenance in void marriage
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“Equitable considerations do apply when the Court considers the prayer for maintenance under Section 25. The reason is that Section 25 lays down that while considering the prayer for granting relief under Section 25, the conduct of the parties must be considered.”

Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court has framed guidelines on overlapping jurisdiction under different enactments for payment of maintenance, payment of Interim Maintenance, the criteria for determining the quantum of maintenance, the date from which maintenance is to be awarded, and enforcement of orders of maintenance.