Justice G. Satapathy

‘Chastity of woman is priceless possession, if husband doubts wife’s character without proof, she has enough reason to live separately’; Orissa HC
In the matter at hand, the Family Court ordered for payment of Rs. 3,000/- maintenance. The High Court noted that without producing any proof of the infidelity of his wife, the husband simply character assassinated his wife.

Orissa HC sets aside husband’s conviction for wife’s murder for having no link in chain of circumstantial evidence & failure to prove last seen theory
“It is never the intention of the legislature to say that merely because two persons were residing together in a house along with others and one of them suffered homicidal death, it would not necessarily mean that the deceased was last seen in the company of others.”

Orissa HC grants bail to a woman accused under PMLA considering pre-trial detention of 1 year and delay in completion of trial
“The Court, recognizing the significant delay in trial commencement and the uncertainty around its duration, granted bail to the accused and also extended the benefit of the proviso to Section 45 of the PMLA.”