Compassionate appointment
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“Judicial decisions abound that in deciding a claim for appointment on compassionate grounds, the financial situation of the deceased employee’s family must be assessed. In a situation otherwise, the purpose of the scheme may be undermined; without this evaluation, any dependent of an employee who dies while in service might claim a right to employment as if it is heritable.”

Eviction proceedings before Inquiry Officer
Case BriefsSupreme Court

In the impugned decision, the High Court framed points for the Inquiry Officer to determine the matter and laid down the procedure, the Court held that the High Court overstepped its limits and took unto itself a duty which the Act entrusts the statutory authority to exercise.

non recording reasons appointment junior ranked officer Judge Advocate
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Court stated that subsequent mentioning of the reasons for appointment of junior ranked officer as Judge Advocate in the appellant’s copy of the convening order, especially after putting signatures by the issuing authority, was unauthorised and impermissible.

Elevation of District Judges
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“This appears to be a case where there was no collective consultation amongst the three Constitutional functionaries of the High Court i.e. the Chief Justice and the two senior-most companion judges. The absence of plurality, in reconsideration as directed by the Supreme Court Collegium, is discernible.”

dismiss execution petition
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“If this is allowed to happen, every judgment-debtor who is in possession of the immoveable property till the decree is passed, shall hand over possession to a third party to defeat the decree-holder's right and entitlement to enjoy the fruits of litigation and this may continue indefinitely and no decree for immovable property can be executed.”