Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Human rights are not ordinary rights. These rights are integral to Article 21, which recognizes the right to life. The reports and recommendations of Human Rights Commissions are needed to be treated with seriousness and not rendered edentulous or pointless.

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“This Court while acknowledging that speedy trial is necessary as a Constitutional prescription, observes that in cases involving anti-national activities and terrorism on an international scale, long incarceration in itself ought not to lead to enlargement on bail, when facts showed involvement in such activities which can have a national and transnational impact.”

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Bona fide tourists/travellers, travelling for social engagements in India with gold, which could be of a much higher value than the permissible limits, cannot to be expected to file detailed declarations, as this can make the entire process of entering India and exiting from airports extremely unfriendly or onerous.