Jharkhand High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The intention of both the parties where to go for arbitration, is at Ranchi and the proceeding after permission of the High Court was also conducted at Ranchi and in the agreement, the seat is also said to be at Ranchi. Thus, Ranchi court is having jurisdiction.

Jharkhand High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

In the present case, the petitioner has helped one lady against the allegation of incumbent sitting Chief Minister, which clearly suggests that maliciously the case was registered against the petitioner and the investigation was also made with pre-occupied mind.

Jharkhand High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Court stated that when a decision of a coordinate bench of the same High Court is brought in notice, it is to be respected and is binding to the Bench of such co-equal strength. For taking a different view, it is required to refer the question to the larger bench, as it is the only course of action open to a Bench of a co-equal strength.