Jurisdiction of Civil Court in parturition suit
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“Regarding immovable properties (other than agricultural lands paying land revenue) – such as buildings, plots etc. or movable properties — where the Court can conveniently and without further enquiry make the division without the assistance of any Commissioner, or where parties agree upon the manner of division, the Court will pass a composite decree comprising the preliminary decree declaring the rights of several parties and also a final decree dividing the suit properties by metes and bounds, in one judgment.”

dismiss execution petition
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“If this is allowed to happen, every judgment-debtor who is in possession of the immoveable property till the decree is passed, shall hand over possession to a third party to defeat the decree-holder's right and entitlement to enjoy the fruits of litigation and this may continue indefinitely and no decree for immovable property can be executed.”

sc st act
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“The huge and unexplained delay of over 60 years in initiating dispute with regard to the ownership of the land, and the criminal case being lodged only after failure to obtain relief in the civil suits, coupled with denial of relief, reeked of malafide on the part of the complainant.”