Credibility of Extra-judicial confession
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“The circumstances taken cumulatively must be so complete that there is no escape from the conclusion that, within all human probability, the crime was committed by the accused and none else. While there is no doubt that conviction can be based solely on circumstantial evidence, great care must be taken in evaluating circumstantial evidence.”

Punjab and Haryana High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“The concept of right to life and personal liberty guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution of India includes the right to live with dignity and the petitioners by running away from their parental home is not only bringing bad name to the family but also is violating the right of the parents to live with dignity and honour.”

Chhattisgarh High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

In the present case, the woman has clearly stated that she was not aware about her partner’s marriage and his children. Further, the Trial Court as well as the Appellate Court has also stated that the relationship between them, fell under the category of domestic relationship.

Madras High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Madras High Court said that the reason given in the impugned refusal check slip reveals the patriarchal mind set of the registering authority, giving an underlying assumption that an unmarried woman above the age of 18 years cannot give her biological child in adoption.

Chhattisgarh High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“It is very easy for the married man to walk out of the live in relationship and in such case the court cannot shut their eyes to the vulnerable condition of the survivor of such distressful live in relationship and children born out of such relationship.”

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Sexual violence against a woman should invite no tolerance, however, manipulating the system by the parties to a case under Section 376 IPC would equally need to be dealt with a stern hand and serious efforts should be made to address and remedy failings within the criminal justice system and through our society.