Private Players’ Guide to the Galaxy: Key Aspects of Norms, Guidelines and Procedures for Implementation of the Indian Space Policy
by Kaustubh Verma*, Shraddha Suryavanshi**, and Jehan Jhaveri***
by Kaustubh Verma*, Shraddha Suryavanshi**, and Jehan Jhaveri***
Penalty to be paid through e-cinemapramaan portal only.
The case of the Petitioners is that, though various rights have been recognized for ‘persons with disabilities’ under the RPWD Act, most films which are released in India are not catering to disabled persons, despite the said RPWD Act, having been enacted more than 5-6 years ago.
Supreme Court viewed that there exist prima facie grounds for staying the notification dated 20-03-2024, which makes the impugned Rules operational.
“The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting shall call the producers of the films ‘Jawan’ and ‘Hi Papa’ for consultation and impress upon them the importance of providing these features at least in the OTT release for these two films.”
The apprehension expressed by the petitioner is that the telecast of film without adhering to the constitutional and statutory safeguards may result in injuring the public order and thereby the sovereignty and integrity of India
The Delhi High Court directed the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting along with other relevant Ministries to hold the consultation with film producers, OTT platforms operating in India, television broadcasters, association of theater owners, organizations consisting of disabled persons, distributors of films and any other stakeholders it may consider appropriate.
On February 05, 2021, the Press Council (Procedure for Notification of Associations of Persons) Rules, 2021 have come into effect. The Rules
Union Cabinet has approved the proposal for revision of the guidelines for obtaining the license for providing Direct-To-Home (DTH) broadcasting service in
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has today constituted a committee to review “Guidelines on Television Rating Agencies in India” notified by the
Delhi High Court: Navin Chawla, J., restrained from broadcasting a show titled ‘Bindas Bol’ on Sudarshan TV News channel. Petitioner’s Counsel placed the
Tackling Film Piracy & Copyright infringement
The Ministry of Information & Broadcasting framed guidelines and criteria for Empanelment of suitable agencies and Rate fixation for advertisements on websites