rajasthan high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“Rendering the representations preferred by the aggrieved employees mute, by way of non-consideration by the State, is reflective of conduct unbecoming of government servants who are tasked with the noble responsibility to serve the citizens.”

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Unless the self-assessed return, as submitted had been questioned, re-opened or re-assessed and the assertion of the petitioner of the services rendered by it qualifying as an “export of service” questioned or negatived in accordance with the procedure prescribed under the Act, its claim for refund could not have been negated.

delinquent employee
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“Departmental proceedings pending criminal trial would not warrant an automatic stay unless, a complicated question of law is involved. Also, acquittal in a criminal case ipso facto would not be tantamount to closure or culmination of proceedings in favour of a delinquent employee”

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

It is for violation of Section 18(2) and Section 18(3) of the FERA that would entail action under Section 56 FERA, but the intervening threshold of issuance of show cause notice/opportunity notice and hearing the notice before passing the decision upon such mandatory application of principles of natural justice alone that the action under Section 56 could, at all, have been initiated.

singapore international commercial court
Case BriefsInternational Courts

“Acausal nexus must be established between the breach of Natural Justice and the award made. An inquiry should be made as to whether the breach was merely technical and inconsequential or whether it has resulted in denial of benefit to the Tribunal to decide on crucial evidences.”

Media One News
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Supreme Court held that the critical views of the Media One News Channel on Government policies cannot be termed ‘anti-establishment’ as the use of such a terminology in itself, represents an expectation that the press must support the establishment.

Sealed Cover
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Observing that the sealed cover procedure violates both principles of natural justice and open justice, the Supreme Court has held that the public interest immunity proceeding is a less restrictive means to deal with non-disclosure on the grounds of public interest and confidentiality.