Reliance Infratel Financial Creditors
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Noting that hypothecation means the process of using an asset as collateral for a loan. It acts as a protection to the lender when the borrower does not repay the loan, the Supreme Court highlighted that the name of the document is not a decisive factor. Only because the title of the document contains the word hypothecation, it cannot be concluded that guarantee is not a part of this document.

Insolvency Process against BYJU
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The present appeal raises substantial questions about the legal framework governing the withdrawal of a CIRP; the settlement of claims after the admission of an application instituted by a debtor; and the scope of the inherent powers vested in the NCLAT under Rule 11 of the NCLAT Rules.

free certified copy final order paid certified copy
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Entry 31 of Schedule of Fees prescribed by the NCLT Rules stipulates that the fee for obtaining true certified copies of final orders passed to parties other than the concerned parties under Rule 50 shall be Rs 5 per page. The stipulation of Rupees five per page in Entry 31 excludes “the concerned parties under Rule 50”.