S. 125(4) on non-compliance of restitution decree
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“It would depend on the facts of the individual case, and it would have to be decided, on the strength of the material and evidence available, whether the wife still had valid and sufficient reason to refuse to live with her husband, despite such a decree. There can be no hard and fast rule in this regard, and it must invariably depend on the distinctive facts and circumstances.”

Gujarat High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“It was evident that the Municipal Commissioner, Junagadh Municipal Corporation was oblivious of the requirement of the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, while establishing Material Recovery Facility (MRF) without any approval/permission of the GPCB and engaging private operators who do not have requisite permission of the GPCB.”

national company law appellate tribunal
Case BriefsTribunals/Commissions/Regulatory Bodies

In a matter concerning advancement of ₹360 crore loan by Hewlett Packard Enterprise India in violation of Section185 which only permit granting of loan for repayment of the loan and not for any other reason, the NCLT imposed ₹ 10 Lakh compounding fees.