Rajasthan High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Court called for a mechanism to be devised in juvenile justice system by expungement of records for minor offenses committed by youth so as enable their easier rehabilitation and also prevent youthful mistakes from becoming lifelong barriers to personal and professional growth.

Telangana High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Telangana High Court noted that multiple issues could have driven Rohith Vemula to commit suicide and further, it could also not be established that the actions of the petitioners had driven Rohith Vemula to commit suicide.

Case BriefsHigh Courts

“The authorities are best judges to maintain the discipline of the Force. Unless gross violation of natural justice or perversity in the quantum of punishment compared to the quantum specified is seen, it will not be wise to interfere in writ jurisdiction although the power of this Court is sufficiently wide to root out any illegality wherever found.”

allahabad high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Allahabad High Court was not convinced with the version of the Police personnel, that such injuries on the petitioner’s skin occurred due to friction on the road when the Police personnel tried to pick him up and put him in the police vehicle.

madras high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

It is quite unfortunate that the archaic beliefs that if a widow enters a temple, it will cause impurity continues to prevail in this State. Even though the reformers are attempting to break all these senseless beliefs, it continues to be practiced in some villages.

tussle between delhi govt and centre
Case BriefsSupreme CourtSupreme Court (Constitution/Larger Benches)

In the spirit of cooperative federalism, the Union must exercise its powers within the boundaries created by the Constitution. NCTD, having a sui generis federal model, must be allowed to function in the domain charted for it by the Constitution. The Union and NCTD share a unique federal relationship. It does not mean that NCTD is subsumed in the unit of the Union merely because it is not a “State”.

delhi govt vs lg supreme court
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court said that NCTD like other states also represents the representative form of government, the involvement of Union of India in the administration of NCTD is limited by Constitution provisions and any further expansion will be contrary to the constitutional scheme of governance.

Allahabad High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

A written statement sent by post or deliver by another person, may not fall under ‘to examine orally' but a written statement submitted by witness himself to I.O., and if the I.O. has assured its genuineness and reduced it in writing, shall be a statement duly recorded under Section 161 CrPC.