Protection of POSH’s ICC members
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The PIL raised concerns that members of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) [constituted under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013] do not have protection from arbitrary and retaliatory actions such as arbitrary termination at private workplaces.

rouse avenue court, delhi
Case BriefsDistrict Court

Delhi Court observed that it is crucial for Delhi Commission for Women to focus on substantive actions rather than superficial gestures just for the sake of publicity and bringing the name in newspaper or to find fault in the other institution when equal responsibility lies with them also.

competitive exam
Case BriefsHigh Courts

If the Court would allow such an interpretation, then this provision would become redundant, and a floodgate of law graduates, who may not be enrolled with the bar councils to become an ‘advocate’ but are still practicing law, would pour in. The purpose of keeping the proceedings fact-based and free expert legal advisory, would be lost.