Kerala High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The true test for assessing the impact of subsequent events on the landlord’s bona fide need is whether those events completely eclipse the landlord’s need. If not, the Court can proceed with the general rule that the situation at the commencement of the litigation governs the decision.

Gujarat High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“Where the additional evidence sought to be adduced removes the cloud of doubt over the case, the evidence has a direct & important bearing on the main issue in the suit and interest of justice clearly renders it imperative that the evidence must be permitted to be taken on record, then such an application may be allowed.”

Limitation for adverse possession
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“The evidence on the part of the appellants would reveal that instead of establishing ‘animus possidendi’ under hostile colour of title, they have tendered evidence indicating only permissive possession and at the same time failed to establish the time from which it was converted to adverse to the title of the respondent which is open and continuous for the prescriptive period.”

Patiala House Courts
Case BriefsDistrict Court

The landlord was offered the possession of the suit property which was refused by him on the pretext of damage to the suit property, whereas no evidence has been adduced by him about damage to the suit property except his bald statements.