Telangana High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Telangana High Court noted that multiple issues could have driven Rohith Vemula to commit suicide and further, it could also not be established that the actions of the petitioners had driven Rohith Vemula to commit suicide.

delhi high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“In the context of Section 14 of Limitation Act, 1963, what needs to be seen is whether appellant has brought on the record any evidence to show that he is prosecuting the previously instituted suit with due diligence.”

tis hazari court
Case BriefsDistrict Court

If there is cogent evidence that the accused was shown to prosecution witnesses, refusal to participate in test identification parade by accused is justified and the said test identification parade cannot be used against the accused for any purpose. If identification in Test Identification Parade has taken place after the accused is shown to the witnesses, then not only is the evidence of Test Identification Parade inadmissible, even an identification in a court during trial is meaningless.