Paradox of the Protection Order
by Vilasini Balasubramanian*
by Vilasini Balasubramanian*
“Live-in-relationship is an agreement in which two persons live together in a short or long term relationship. The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 does not recognise the concept of live-in-relationship. Even in Muslim Law, no recognition has been given to such relationship.”
Kerala High Court held that Section 31 of D.V Act would apply only on violation of protection order passed under Section 20 of the D.V Act.
Delhi High Court: Jyoti Singh, J., while addressing the maintainability and legality of a petition filed under Section 482 of Criminal Procedure Code,
Delhi High Court: Jyoti Singh, J., while addressing a matter with regard to “custody order” as being the primary relief, held that, Legislature