SC Clarifies: Order reserving seats for women members in SCBA is an experimental pilot project
In the previous order, Supreme Court directed for reserving some of the posts in the Executive Committee of SCBA for women members of the Bar.
In the previous order, Supreme Court directed for reserving some of the posts in the Executive Committee of SCBA for women members of the Bar.
“The language used in the instant amendment is neither ambiguous nor calls for any interpretation. The expression used in the amendment is clear and cogent.”
Justice Aniruddha Bose, who retires on 10-04-2024 after a tenure of 5 years, had served the High Courts of Calcutta and Jharkhand as a Judge and Chief Justice respectively prior to being elevated to the Supreme Court in 2019.
Reservation, Concession, Exemption, Relaxation and Affirmative Action — Caste/Tribe Certificate: Matters to be considered while determining whether cancellation of caste certification is
The 5-Judge Bench referred the matter to a 7-Judge Bench, due to immense public importance of the appeal against E.V. Chinnaiah case involving the interpretation of Articles 14, 15, 16, 338, 341, 342, and 342A of the Constitution.
The relationship between the government and the Law Officer is purely a professional relationship and not that of a master and servant
It is unfortunate that disabled persons are being compelled to file writ petitions and are being compelled to run from pillar to post by an organization like KVS. They are not claiming any charity, and they are claiming their rights as guaranteed to them under the RPwD Act.
Allahabad High Court directed the State Government to undertake an exercise for admission of the children in reputed schools in the vicinity of the homes.
Interpreting the Treaty of Fort Bridger, 1868, the Court stated that the parties expressly made the reserved hunting right contingent on maintaining peace and not on living on a reservation.
On 28-9-2023, the Ministry of Law and Justice notified the Constitution (One Hundred and Sixth Amendment) Act, 2023 to further amend the Constitution of India.
Today is a “historic moment for women empowerment” says Prime Minister.
The instant matter involved a dispute over the preparation of a merit list for government posts in West Bengal, with a focus on the treatment of candidates from reserved categories who had availed age and fee relaxations.
Constitution of India — Arts. 14, 15 and 16 — Reservation — Sub-classification: T.N. Special Reservation of Seats in Educational Institutions including
The Court in an extraordinary measure, also issued directions regarding vacancies pertaining to the Assistant Engineers posts
“Rejection of the disability contained the reason that the petitioner is suffering with Locomotor Disability which is a physical disability and the same is assessed as zero per cent, so no certificate is provided to the petitioner with respect to the disability suffered by him.”
“Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University and the State Government are directed to ensure that in all educational institutions, the statutory provisions governing the field under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 are followed and 5% reservation is provided to specially abled persons.”
In cases of admission under the Economically Weaker Section category or Disadvantaged Group category, the schools must not insist upon following the neighbourhood criteria strictly. The Directorate of Education is directed to make endeavour, as far as possible, to allot schools which are nearest to the residence of the students.
Allahabad High Court granted two weeks’ time to UPPSC to file a reply and the candidate one week thereafter to file a rejoinder affidavit
Supreme Court said that the State Government may examine the data of last few years, to come to a realistic finding as to what should be the extent of these reservations. A wholesale reservation is not serving any purpose, rather it frustrates the very purpose of the reservation
Reservation as a concept is very wide. Different people understand reservation to mean different things. One view of reservation as a generic