overtaking senior's vehicle
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Court pointed out that small excesses like overtaking the vehicle of one’s senior at a railway crossing may be an incident of indiscipline in defense services, but the balance and proportion that needs to be maintained between such an infraction and its punishment will always be at the core of good governance.

Bombay High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“The legislative intent through Section 509 is to deter an action capable of shocking the sense of decency of a woman. The manner in which the offender shocks such sense of a woman is not restricted to oral abuse or gesture alone, but also include statements, speeches, exclamations, notes, all of which could be in a text form relayed whether physically or electronically.”

Karnataka High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Mere erasure of the name of the petitioner in the cause title, does not mean that he is entitled to seek such erasure from the police records. “The direction would be only to enable the internet to forget, like the humans forget. If it is allowed to stay on record, the internet will never permit the humans to forget”.

telangana high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“Constitutional morality impacts upon any law which deprives the LGBT individuals of their entitlement to a full and equal citizenship. LGBT individuals living under threats of conformity grounded in cultural morality have been denied basic human existence. Constitutional morality does not permit such discrimination and must supersede cultural morality.”

karnataka high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Holding that commission of rape on a woman’s dead body would not attract Ss. 375 and 377, Penal Code, 1860, the Court pointed out that its high time for the Central Government to consider amending S. 377 or introduce a specific provision to address necrophilia, sadism.

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

To hold that conducting virginity test on a woman who is victim of sexual assault and on a woman who may be an accused of an offence will be on different footing or that the earlier will be unconstitutional and the later constitutional, will be a perverse finding and against the intent of the Constitution of India and Article 21. However, this should not mean to be taken to be a shield for the detainee from legitimate interrogation by police as per the procedure established by law.

Case BriefsSupreme Court

“The nature of sexual violence and the contours of consent do not undergo a transformation when one decides to marry. The institution of marriage does not influence the answer to the question of whether a woman has consented to sexual relations. If the woman is in an abusive relationship, she may face great difficulty in accessing medical resources or consulting doctors.”

Case BriefsSupreme Court

While the interim order was passed in the case on 21.07.2022, the Supreme Court took over two months to write a far-reaching 75-pages-long verdict, touching upon various aspects like purposive interpretation of Medical Termination of Pregnancy laws, equal status of married and unmarried or single women, right to reproductive autonomy, right to dignity, effect of unwanted pregnancy on mental health of women, etc.

Kerala High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“The children of unwed mothers and the children of the rape victims can also live in this country with the fundamental rights of privacy, liberty, and dignity. None can intrude into their personal life, and if it happens, the Constitutional Court of this country will protect their fundamental rights.”

Case BriefsHigh Courts

United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No.6 explicitly recognises sanitation rights. Delay in providing sanitation facilities, in particular reference to women impedes in achieving SDG No.5 that talks about gender equality, and thereof pulling back all other associated goals.