Dissents Supreme Court verdicts
Legal RoundUpTopic-wise Roundup

2024 was a year of pathbreaking verdicts on several issues such as Electoral Bonds, Citizenship Act, Tax/Royalty on Mines, Minority Institutions etc. Some major issues saw unanimous and near unanimous verdicts by the Supreme Court; however, there were notable Dissenting Opinions in 2024 which shed light on several key legal concepts.

royalty computation mechanism
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Even though the Court declined to declare Explanations to Rule 38 of MCR, 2016 and Rule 45(8)(a) of MCDR, 2017 as unconstitutional, it took strict note of the anomaly in the provisions vis-a-vis computation of royalty to be levied for the extraction or consumption of mined ores and gave the Respondents one last chance to resolve the issue.

Case BriefsTribunals/Commissions/Regulatory Bodies

The Tribunal stated that there is no such condition in the Technology License Agreement which provides that royalty payment is a pre-condition for sale/import of raw materials and there is no evidence to establish how the royalty payment is linked to the import of raw materials.