Bail in UAPA
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“Delays are bad for the accused and extremely bad for the victims, for Indian society, and for the credibility of our justice system, which is valued. Judges are the masters of their Courtrooms and the Criminal Procedure Code provides many tools for the Judges to use in order to ensure that cases proceed efficiently.”

Laws for domestic workers' rights
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“No effective legislative or executive action in furtherance of enacting a statute, which could prove to be a boon to millions of vulnerable domestic workers across the country, has been undertaken as of now. Over and above the absence of any legislation protecting their interests, domestic labourers also find themselves excluded from existing labour laws.”

Private complaint before Tribunal
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court set aside the High Court’s decision quashing the private complaint and concluding that the alleged offences under Sections 193, 199 and 200 of the IPC were such, on which the complaint could have only been filed by the Court following the route under Section 195 read with Section 340 of the CrPC.

Disciplinary action against doctor
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“While it is true that principles of natural justice supplement, and not supplant, the law, such principles have been declared by the Court to be a constituent feature of Article 14. Validity of any disciplinary action, whenever questioned, has to be tested on the touchstone of Articles 14, 16 and 21 as well as Article 311(2), wherever applicable.”

S. 125(4) on non-compliance of restitution decree
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“It would depend on the facts of the individual case, and it would have to be decided, on the strength of the material and evidence available, whether the wife still had valid and sufficient reason to refuse to live with her husband, despite such a decree. There can be no hard and fast rule in this regard, and it must invariably depend on the distinctive facts and circumstances.”