S. 14 of Hindu Succession Act
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“Hindu Women’s right to maintenance is not by virtue of any statute, but is found in Shastric Hindu law; maintenance has to be proper, appropriate and adequate, giving the woman so maintained the ability to continue to live the life, similar to what she once lived.”

Goa Govt. publish HC Recruitment Rules
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Goa State notification of High Court of Bombay at Goa Officers and the Members of the Staff on the Establishment (Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2023 contained a prefatory statement that they were made by the Chief Justice of the Bombay HC in exercise of the power conferred under Article 229 of the Constitution.

arbitrator appointment
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“While applying the principles of Order 23 Rule 1 of CPC to applications under Section 11(6) of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, it must be kept in mind that it will act as a bar to only those applications which are filed subsequent to the withdrawal of a previous Section 11(6) application filed on the basis of the same cause of action.”

Unilateral Appointment of Arbitrator
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 does not prohibit Public Sector Undertakings from empanelling potential arbitrators, however, an arbitration clause cannot mandate the other party to select its arbitrator from the panel curated by PSUs.

termination of judicial officers
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Regarding the reinstatement of other two judicial officers, the Court will hear the matter on 24-09-2024, as the Full Court decided to not revoke their earlier resolutions and would place the adverse remarks and other materials against them before the Supreme Court in a sealed cover.

criminal breach of trust and cheating
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“For cheating, criminal intention is necessary at the time of making a false or misleading representation i.e., since inception. In criminal breach of trust, mere proof of entrustment is sufficient. Thus, in case of criminal breach of trust, the offender is lawfully entrusted with the property, and he dishonestly misappropriated the same. Whereas, in cheating, the offender fraudulently or dishonestly induces a person by deceiving him to deliver any property.”

detention orders under COFEPOSA
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The question of law which revolved around right of making representation being seriously jeopardized as detenus were supplied with various documents as parts of relied upon documents (‘RUDs’) which are illegible, incomplete and not readable violating Article 22 (5) of the Constitution of India read with Section 3 (3) of COFEPOSA Act, was kept open.

Sub-classification of SCSTs (2)
Case BriefsSupreme Court (Constitution/Larger Benches)

“State has neither executive nor legislative power to sub-classify or sub-divide or re-group the castes, races or tribes specified as the “Scheduled Castes” in the Presidential List notified under Article 341. Under the guise of providing reservation or under the pretext of taking affirmative action for the weaker of the weakest sections of the society, the State cannot vary, nor tinker the Presidential List.”

sub-classification of SCSTs
Case BriefsSupreme Court (Constitution/Larger Benches)

“Article 341 does not create an integrated homogenous class. Sub-classification within the Scheduled Castes does not violate Article 341(2) because the castes are not per se included in or excluded from the List.”

Maharashtra Slum Areas Act
Case BriefsSupreme Court

“Legal reform through legislative correction improves the legal system and it would require assessment of the working of the law, its accessibility, utility and abuse as well. Executive branch has a constitutional duty to ensure that the purpose and object of a statute is accomplished while implementing it, along with duty to closely monitor the working of a statute and must have a continuous and a real time assessment of the impact that the statute is having.”

Watali Judgment
Case BriefsSupreme Court

In Zahoor Ahmad Shah Watali v. National Investigating Agency, 2018 SCC OnLine Del 11185, the accused under various provisions of IPC and UAPA was released on bail by the High Court, conducting a mini trial and determining admissibility of certain evidence which clearly exceeded the limited scope of a bail proceeding, hence, the Supreme Court in NIA v. Zahoor Ahmad Shah Watali, (2019) 5 SCC 1, cancelled the said grant of bail.